
3-8 Singular & Plural Nouns

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Singular and Plural

Nouns that name one person, one place or one thing are called singular.  Nouns that name more than one person, place or thing are called plurals.
Here are some examples of singular and plurals.

woman - women

goose - geese

plant - plants

box - boxes 

plant - plants


Directions: Complete each sentence.

An moved in the tide pool.  octopus, octopi
Three attacked the bird.  cat, cats
The boys and girls like to listen to .  story, stories
Peter will have his birthday on Saturday.  party, parties
We're selling for a school fund raiser.  magazine, magazines
The picked up a worm.  bird, birds
There are many on the freeway at 12:00.  car, cars
I lost my on the playground.  scarf, scarves
Juan picked from the garden.  tomato, tomatoes
My teacher is a .  man, men
Cecila likes to eat .  cherry, cherries
The squirrel lives in the .  forest, forests
The two will pull the heavy cart.  ox, oxen
Grandma made for the bake sale.  pie, pies
Jim broke his left at recess.  arm, arms



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Singular or Plural