
3-4 More Pronouns

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More Pronouns

Pronouns take the place of nouns.   It, he, she, and they are pronouns you learned in the last lesson.  In this lesson you will learn the pronouns I, me, we, and our.


Directions: Put the correct pronoun in each sentence.

Use I, me, we, or our.

My friends shouted, " won the game!"
Shannon said, " know the answer."
" grandparents are coming tomorrow," said Kyle and Lisa.
"Can you come with ?" Amy asked Ann.
Cindy said, " will play jump rope at recess."
class won the contest.
" would like to attend the birthday party," the girls shouted.
"Do you know ?" the stranger asked.
" enjoy playing the piano," the little girl said.
The three little boys said, " are going Trick or Treating!"
Molly and Mike said, "Please take sick dog to the doctor. 
are all going on a field trip tomorrow.
" got an A on my spelling test," Ruby said.
teacher's favorite book is The Velveteen Rabbit.



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More Pronouns