

Pronouns take the place of nouns.  Pronouns are words such as it, he, she, and theyPronouns save time and energy.  They refer to the noun and save us the time of saying the noun over and over again.

"When Jimmy heard Jimmy was getting a new puppy, Jimmy shouted with joy."

Putting in the word "he" for Jimmy saves time.

"When Jimmy heard he was getting a new puppy, he shouted with joy."


Directions: Put the correct pronoun in each sentence.

Use it, he, she or they.

Lucy enjoys going to the zoo, and likes the lions the best.
My new bike is blue.  has black tires.
Bill and Jill are going biking, or are going jogging.
Uncle Clint is my favorite uncle.  is married to my aunt.
The baby robins are getting big.  Soon will fly away.
Our computer is not working, so dad will take to get repaired.
Minnie Mouse wears a skirt, and also wears big, black shoes.
Our dog Jake ran away, and came back the next day.
While Sam put the worm on the hook wiggled and wiggled.
Our cat and dog never fight.  play together all of the time.
The nurse asked me to open my mouth and said to say, "Ah."
Steve dropped the coin, and caught it before it hit the ground.
Red is my favorite color.  is the color of my new skateboard.
My friend Cindy is coming over, and will spend the night.
The cookies are baking.  will be done in a few minutes.



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