
3-2 Adjective Practice

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Adjective Practice

Adjectives are easy to find because they usually go right next to the thing or person they are describing.

Directions: Find the adjectives.  Put the adjective in the box.

Jim ran up the big hill.
We ate green beans and buttery noodles for supper.
Can I hold the small, cuddly one?
I counted six, blue eggs in the nest.
Ramona is a silly girl.
Dad and I looked up at the stormy sky.
The small, green plant is called mistletoe.
Seth mailed the small envelope for his mom.
Mr. Simon is my favorite teacher.
The large, striped tiger scared my brother.
Our family has a new computer.
I used the yellow screwdriver and the red hammer.
The cold, slippery fish was hard to hold.
Albert solved many difficult problems.
Did you say I could go with a best friend?



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