
2-9 Cultural Sayings

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Sayings are statements that describe our culture.  For example, "Better safe than sorry" means someone is better to not take a chance than do something that might be risky.

Match the saying with the true meanings below.

A. Better late than never.   B. Sour grapes.
C. Don't cry over spilled milk. D. Two heads are better than one.
E. Where there's a will there's a way. F. Back to the drawing board.
G. Get a taste of your own medicine. H. Cold feet.
I. Get up on the wrong side of the bed. J. In hot water.
K. Turn over a new leaf. L. Easier said than done.
M. Practice what you preach. N. Don't judge a book by its cover.


When something doesn't work out, you should start over from the beginning.
When something is done or lost don't feel sorry about it or worry about it.
It's better that something happens late than never happening at all.
Not able to do something because one is afraid.
The way something looks may not tell you much about what it's really like.
When one person is having trouble with something, a second person can often help out.
It's easy to say what should be done but it's harder to do it.
Making bad remarks about something, he or she can't have.
A person is in a bad mood.
Being in real trouble.
Making a big change in the way one behaves or acts.
You should act the way you tell others to act.
When someone who has been bothering or mistreating others gets treated the same way.
If you want something done bad enough you'll find a way to do it.



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Cultural Sayings