
More nouns!  A noun is a person, place or thing!  Names are nouns.  The names for colors, trees, people, towns, smells, buildings and cars are nouns.

Read the story below and select all the nouns in the story below.

Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest.  Robin robbed from the rich people and gave to poor people.  Folks  traveling through the forest guarded themselves from being surrounded by men dressed in green outfits hiding in trees.  Travelers handed over money to the outlaws.  Little John was one of Robin's merry men.  Robin's men were very good archers.  For many years, Robin and his men gave the King trouble.

Click the buttons by the words that are nouns in the story above.


Robin Hood lived
Sherwood Forest robbed
gave people
men traveling
forest might
folks surrounded
dressed outfits
over travelers
handed money
outlaws was
Little John merry
very archers
years many
King poor
trouble green
good trees



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