
6-1 The Human Body

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The bones in the body of children are made up of cartilage and calcium and phosphorus-rich substances.  Cartilage is a flexible, strong tissue that pads the ends of bones.  Cartilage also protects bones from rubbing together at the joints.  It also helps two bones that come together move smoothly.  As you grow, cartilage is replaced by solid minerals and the bones grow longer and more solid.  However, bones are not solid, even in adults.  Bones are hollow and filled with a soft tissue called marrow.  Marrow makes white and red blood cells.  Even though bones are hollow, they are strong and light in weight. Tiny blood vessels run through tunnels in the bone tissues and bring oxygen and nutrients to bone cells, and carry away wastes and white and red blood cells.

Ligaments are tough strips of tissue that connect bones together.  Ligaments help hold bones and joints in place.

Tendons, which are similar to ligaments, allow muscles to attach to bones.

Bones, tissues, muscles, cartilage, ligaments and tendons can only be subjected to so much strain.  They can be torn or broken.  Bones give shape to the body, allow it to move, and protect vital organs.

Directions: Answer the questions about the skeletal system.


is the flexible, strong tissue that pads the ends of bones and protects bones from rubbing together at the joints.

As a child grows cartilage is replaced by solid and the bones grow longer and more solid.

Bones are hollow and filled with a soft tissue called which makes red and white blood .

are tough strips of tissue that connect bones together and help hold bones and joints in place.

allow muscles to attach to bones.



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Ligaments, Tendons, and Bones