
5-8 Asexual Reproduction

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Asexual reproduction means nonsexual.  Asexual reproduction occurs without using males and females.  An organism simply makes copies of itself through cell division.

Monerans are simple single-celled organisms.  Bacteria are monerans.  Blue-green algae are monerans that can be found in water or soil.  Monerans reproduce by fission, which means splitting.  After duplicating their genetic material, they simply split their single cell in half.  Growth can occur very quickly.  Bacteria colonies have been known to double their numbers every twenty minutes.

Molds, mildews, and mushrooms are fungi that reproduce by forming spores.  A spore is a single cell often protected by a hard covering.  Spores drop off of the parent and become new organisms.  New organisms can only begin if there is enough food and water for them to live.

Yeasts reproduce by budding.  A "bud," which is an enlargement, forms on one side of the cell.  This bud eventually breaks off to form a new yeast cell.

Some animals and plants can reproduce themselves asexually by a process called regeneration.  Regeneration means to make or regenerate again.  These plants and animals make new body parts to replace the old ones.  A starfish can grow a whole new arm if one is cut off.  If the lost arm still has a piece of the center of the starfish it can even grow into a new starfish.  Salamanders can regenerate a leg if they lose one.

Plants can regenerate also.  The most common way is from a cutting or a leaf.  The cutting or leaf is put into moist material and a new plant begins.  Other garden plants like roses reproduce by a process called cloning.  Cloning creates a new plant just like the parent.

Directions: Answer the questions about asexual reproduction.

Asexual reproduction means .

In asexual reproduction an organism simply makes copies of itself through .

Monerans, simple single-celled organisms reproduce by , which means splitting.

Growth can occur very quickly through the process of fission.  Bacteria colonies have been known to double their numbers every twenty .

Yeasts reproduce by a process known as .

A is an enlargement which breaks off to form a new yeast cell.

Another example of asexual reproduction is called .  It means to make or regenerate again.

Salamanders and are two examples of animals that can regenerate parts.

The most common way a plant regenerates itself is from a cutting or a .

A process called creates a new plant just like the parent plant.



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Asexual Reproduction