Fossils help tell the story of life on earth because
they are the traces of animals or plants that lived millions of years ago,
when ancient rock formed.
Most fossils are found in sedimentary rock. Since
sedimentary rock forms in layers, paleontologists (a special kind of
geologist who studies the earth's past) believe the fossils found in the
same layer of rock probably lived during that same time. Fossils are formed within rock in several ways.
Mold Fossils - A mold fossil is created when
sediments build up over plants, parts of plants, bones, teeth, and
even animals. These were covered by more layers of sediment.
These layers hardened and great pressure formed them into rock that is
the same shape as the plant or animal that once lived.
Cast Fossils - A cast fossil is created if a mold
fills with minerals from water and water build up, and form the shape
of the plant or animal.
Trace Fossils - A trace fossil is created when trails
of animals or footprints are preserved in rock.
True-Form Fossils - True-form fossils are the hard
remains of animals, like bones, shells and teeth that have been
preserved. True-form fossils of soft-bodies insects are created
when the insect became covered with sticky tree sap, which became rock
Petrified Wood - Petrified wood is created when
minerals gradually replace the cells of a dead plant or an
animal. It becomes a rocklike fossil that looks much like the
animal or plant.
Directions: Answer the questions about
fossils and their formation.
Most fossils are found in
A paleontologist is
a special kind of
geologist who studies the present earth
a special kind of
geologist who studies the earth
a special kind of
geologist who studies the earth's past
Which of the following statements is true?
sedimentary rock forms in layers, paleontologists believe the fossils found in the
same layer of rock probably lived during that same time.
sedimentary rock forms in layers, paleontologists believe the fossils found in the
same layer of rock probably lived during during an earlier time.
Identify each kind of fossil. Use the following
labels: PW-petrified wood, M-mold, C-cast, T-trace, and TF-true form
Created if a mold
fills with minerals from water and water build up, and form the shape
of the plant or animal.
A rocklike fossil that looks much like the
animal or plant. Created when minerals gradually replace the cells of a dead plant or an
Created when trails
of animals or footprints are preserved in rock.
The hard
remains of animals, like bones, shells and teeth that have been
Created when
sediments build up over plants, parts of plants, bones, teeth, and
even animals. These were covered by more layers of sediment.
These layers hardened and great pressure formed them into rock that is
the same shape as the plant or animal that once lived.
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