
4-10 Other Energy Sources

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Fossil fuels produce much of the world's energy, however  energy is also produced from other sources.  Hydroelectricity is electrical current that is produced from the energy of falling water.  Hydroelectric power plants are built near rivers.  First a dam is built across the river so the water flow can be monitored.  A huge volume of water is stored in a reservoir.  A reservoir is place where the water is stored and collected.  As the water spills over the dam, it goes through pipes to a powerhouse.  The energy of the falling water pushes the blades on a turning shaft and is changed into electrical energy.

Nuclear energy from fission is another source of energy.  Fission means, "to split."  Fission occurs when an atom is broken apart.  More energy is produced in this way than by atoms joining together.

The controlled release of energy from atomic fission is what makes heat in nuclear power plants.  The heat is then used to make steam.  The steam is sent to turn a generator, just like in a power plant when heat is produced by burning fossil fuels.

Solar and wind energy sources are currently being used and expanded in California.  In San Francisco, thousands of windmills provide some of the electrical power.  The world's largest solar energy plant is in the Mojave Dessert located in California.

Geothermal energy is electricity produced from the heat deep inside the earth.  Remember the inside of the earth is very hot.  When rain seeps into the earth through deep cracks in the surface and combines with the heat, the water is turned into steam.  The steam rises back up through these deep cracks, is trapped and is used to spin turbines and run generators.


Directions: Answer the questions about other sources of energy.

is electrical current that is produced from the energy of falling water.

A is place where the water is stored and collected.

Hydroelectric power plants are built near .

Energy of falling water pushes the blades on a turning shaft and is changed into energy.

Fission occurs when an is broken apart.

The controlled release of energy from atomic is what makes heat in nuclear power plants.

Solar energy and provide some the electrical power used in the state of California.

energy is electricity produced from the heat deep inside the earth.

Which of the following is a true statement?

More energy is released when an atom breaks apart than when atoms join together.
More energy is released when atoms join together than when an atom breaks apart.


When water combines with the heat, the water is turned into .



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Energy Sources for Humans