
There are over one hundred thousand different kinds of insects in the United States and Canada.  There are almost a million kinds of insects in the world.  Most are smaller than your fingernail and you need a microscope to see them.  The praying mantis is a big insect.  It can grow to be four or five inches long. 

Some insects are harmful.  They bite and carry and spread diseases.  Other kinds of insects such as the locusts can destroy crops planted by farmers.  Very tiny insects called aphids can damage or kill many plants.  Wasps and horseflies can sting you.

Bees and butterflies carry pollen from flower to flower.

Other insects are helpful.  Butterflies and bees carry pollen from one flower to another.  Bees also make honey.  Ladybugs are helpful insects because they eat aphids and other insects that harm and destroy crops.

Directions: Answer the questions below about insects.

What insect can grow to be four or five inches long? wasp
praying mantis
Most insects are as small as a fingernail
praying mantis
Tiny insects that destroy plants are called locusts
What insect will sting you? locust
How many kinds of insects are there in the world? two million
almost a million
one thousand
What do bees and butterflies carry from flower to flower? honey
What do bees make? holes
What insect eats aphids? ladybug
praying mantis
Insects are harmful and big



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Good and Bad Insects