Everything in the world is made up of matter.
There are three kinds of matter.
1.Solid -
Examples of solids are a shoe or a basketball.
A solid is hard. You can see a solid.
2. Liquid - Examples of liquids are milk
and water. A liquid is not hard. You can see a liquid.
We can't show
you a gas because you can't see a gas.
3. Gas - An example of a gas is the air we
breathe. It's not a liquid or a solid. You can't see it.
Directions: Is it a solid, liquid, or a gas?
Apple -
solid liquid
Wind -
solid liquid
River -
solid liquid
Inside of a balloon -
solid liquid
Soda -
solid liquid
Ice -
solid liquid
Rock -
solid liquid
Saliva in your mouth -
solid liquid
Air in a basketball -
solid liquid
Kool-Aid -
solid liquid
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