
Lesson List

1-1Practice Telling Temperatures
1-2Living Things and Where They Live
1-3Our Body's Bones
1-4Our Body's Muscles
1-5The Heart and How it Works
1-6How Food is Digested
1-7How the Brain Works
1-8Solids, Liquids, and Gases
1-9How Electricity Works
1-10The Planets in our Solar System
2-1Levers, Wheels, Pulleys, Inclined Planes, Wedges, and Screws
2-2Evaporation, Condensation, and Precipitation
2-3Magnets and Magnetism
2-4Using a Compass
2-5How Insects are Harmful and Helpful
2-6The Parts of Insects
2-7Our Cells
2-8Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Systems
2-8-1The Digestive System
2-9The Life Cycle of Plants
2-10The Life Cycle of a Frog
3-1Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and the Asteroid Belt
3-2Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
3-3Plants, Animals, Bacteria, Fungi and their Role in Nature
3-4The Environment
3-5The Nervous System and How it Works
3-5-1The Ear and How it Works
3-5-2The Eye and How it Works
3-6Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons
3-7How a Simple Circuit Conducts Electricity
3-8Mass, Volume, and Density
3-9How is a Star Formed?
3-10The Death of a Star
3-11How do Black Holes Form?
3-12Hot-Air Balloons and Blimps
3-14Sailplanes and Hang Gliders
3-15Airplanes - Kinds and Uses of Each
3-16The Six Groups of the Food Pyramid
4-1The Circulatory System and How it Works
4-1-1More About the Circulatory System
4-1-2How the Heart Works
4-2The Respiratory System and How it Works
4-3The Crust, Mantle, and Inner & Outer Core
4-4The Plates that make up the Earth's Crust
4-5Faults, Tsunamis, and Volcanoes
4-6The Precambrian and Paleozoic Eras
4-7The Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras
4-8Different Kinds of Fossils
4-9Fossil Fuels and Their Importance to Man
4-10Hydroelectricity, Nuclear, Wind, Solar and Geothermal Energy
4-11Understanding the Concept of Force
4-12Understanding the Concept of Pressure
4-13Understanding the Concept of Work
4-14Understanding the Concept of Power
4-15Understanding the Concept of Speed
5-1The Differences Between Direct and Alternating Current
5-2How an External Combustion Engine Works
5-3Discover the Difference between Matter and Mass
5-4Solids, Liquids, & Gases
5-5The Parts of a Plant and Animal Cell
5-7Fertilization and Seed Development
5-8Asexual Reproduction
5-9Reproduction by Spores
5-10Sexual Reproduction in Animals
5-11The Bones of the Skeleton
5-12What is Global Warming and Climate Change?
5-13The Earth's Climate and the Greenhouse Effect
5-14Ways to Help Your Environment and Save Energy
5-15How an Internal Combustion Engine Works
6-1The Skeletal System
6-2The Human Body and its Defense System
6-3Communicable & Non-communicable Diseases
6-4Speed, Refraction, and the Spectrum of Light are Investigated
6-5Transparent, Translucent, and Opaque Materials are Explored
6-6Reflection and Refraction
6-7Speed and Wavelengths
6-8Atoms and Elements
6-9The Periodic Table
6-10Atomic Weight